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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ditching the bottle

In a moment of desperation, a year ago I gave Lucy a bottle at night to help her sleep. This is a horrible habit and one that I have wanted to break for months. Sure, quit cold turkey would work, but I'm weak. I can't take the hysterical screaming and pleas for a "ba-ba."

SO! I've come up with a plan! I'd like to bribe her! Yeah, from one faux-paus to another, right?

Anywho... Last night I bought her a baby doll. Her FIRST baby doll. It has it's own blankie and is just the right size. It will come out right before before bed when she starts her nightly bottle, and then while putting her to bed, the baby will come out of the box! She can either take Baby to bed, or "ba-ba."  She may choose "ba-ba." If she does, no Baby. Baby will only be for ni-night, just like bottle. We'll try again the next night... and the next night... and hopefully it won't take too much longer, but when she kicks the bottle, she can have Baby any time of day.

Simultaneously, I'll be watering down the bottle just in case she doesn't ever choose Baby. I know the milk is bad for her teeth so hopefully we can get to just water. Worse comes to worse, after she's transitioned to water, I'll transition her to a sippy cup.

I have used the word hopefully several times... Hopefully, this is a good plan!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I said this was funny, but only because I am in the EXACT same situation! I haven't started weaning Q of his bottle for bed routine, and i probably won't for a while, but it's nice to see that there are plausible options. Good luck!