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Thursday, August 12, 2010

ditching the bottle night 1 & 2

Well, last night Lucy really wanted her baby. She kept saying, "Baby, baby." We gave it to her at bed time instead of a bottle and she made it about twenty minutes. After 20, she started crying. I let her cry for 15 more minutes and then went in and she was asking for a bottle. I gave in and gave her a watered-down bottle of milk and made sure to take it out of her crib when we went to bed, and she slept through the night (not uncommon).

Tonight she made it a half hour with the baby and then cried. She didn't ask for a bottle though, she just wanted to be held (today was a rough day with an off nap schedule and too-short of a nap as well). So I gave her a bottle of water and explained that if she wants a bottle, the baby cannot sleep with her in her crib. She was ok with that. So she's sleeping soundly now and at least the bottle is water and not milk.

Tonight will be another night--in Paradise actually, so we'll see if being in a different place hinders this process... probably, but it has to be done! If I have to start over on Saturday night, it won't be a big deal. But I think she's getting the idea. 

1 comment:

Teryn said...

we are leaving for vacation on sunday and I have decided that when we come back it is water ba bas for chase as well...stay strong! :)