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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November beginnings

A great way to start a new month is with a winning record at the World Series. Not me of course, but the SF Giants. Regardless of whether you're a Yankees fan, or a Braves fan, you can't deny that this past series was just darn-good baseball.

Another great way to start a new month is with nearly $100 in savings! Yep, $100. I've been really looking online for good deals on things we need and trying to be frugal and one of the ways I've done this is signing up for the Just for U program with Safeway.

As a Safeway club member, I automatically get their club card deals. Now they have even more savings available in coupons. But the Club Card was supposed to save us from clipping coupons, right? Right! The nice thing about the Just for U program is the coupons are "clipable" online and automatically connected to your club card or phone number that you use at checkout. You "clip" the coupons online, and you can print your shopping list which lists your coupons by category and reminds you of your savings and when the coupon expires.

So, yes, it was an overall fabulous experience. At the beginning of my shopping trip, I was a little annoyed because it took me a little longer than my regular shopping trip (just choosing what I needed by the cheapest Club price) because I had to look for the items which I had a coupon for. For regular coupon clippers, this is probably a typical experience, but it was all new to me. I also ended up buying more than I usually would BUT I won't have to shop again as soon as I would in a typical month.

So, my total bill was almost $300 before the savings. I saved over $100 and the savings were so huge that the cashier needed an override from the manager! That made me feel special! I felt bad that I held up the line for an extra 30 seconds, but HELLO! I JUST SAVED A BUTT-LOAD OF MONEY!

Can you tell I was/am excited?

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