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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blessed by the Presence

My heart has been so full this week.
Heart? Full? What does that look like? I am happy. I have energy. I have patience. I am in love. I feel loved. My home is clean. My yard is tidy. Our bank account is not empty. Dexter should be in my mail box today. Yes, my heart is full.... It is full to the brim, or bursting at the seams with joy.

Oh, and we visited another church last Sunday. It was a church we were hesitant about for the past year because of some of the doctrinal issues that surround that denomination... BUT we enjoyed the Sunday service! The music was pleasant and was contemporary (a little loud, but at least is was on-key), and the preacher actually gave me something to thing about for the rest of the week! I haven't come away from a service feeling "fed" in a LONG time.

The sermon was on Zacchaeus, the unpopular and hated Jewish tax collector from Jesus's time. When Jesus saw "shorty" up in a tree trying to "sneak a peak" he said "Dude, I'm going to be a guest in your house today." Ok, so maybe Jesus didn't say "dude," but he addressed Zacchaeus as a friend and invited himself over. If someone I knew invited them selves over, I would probably be okay with it, however, it depends on who that person was. Someone I ran into at the grocery store and had no priors with? Maybe not so okay... but anyone who I had met more than 2 or 3 time... I'd be like, "yeah, cool, what time? Oh yeah, and you bring the beer." Haha.

Long story short... In response Zacchaeus says that he will pay back anyone he has cheated 4 times greater than what he owes and will give half of his possessions to the poor.

The point? Zacchaeus wanted to give to "redeem" himself as well as to show how blessed he was to have Jesus as a guest. Jesus had never physically met Zacchaeus but he invited himself to his house. Jesus didn't "bless" Zacchaeus with good health, a beautiful wife, obedient children, etc. (at least we are not told such). He was simply blessed by the presence of Jesus.

The preacher charged the congregation to show the world how blessed we are by Jesus. I went away thinking--I am blessed! I have a fabulous house, wonderful daughter, doting husband, and the list goes on... BUT none of these are a result of my faithfulness. I have done NOTHING to deserve these results.

I HAVE SIMPLY BEEN BLESSED BY THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST. Is it silly that this makes me misty eyed? I love the song "Blessed be the Name." We happened to sing it that day in church. One verse says "Every blessing you poor down, I'll turn back to praise." So, as the pastor instructed, I am trying to make it evident that I am blessed by His presence and I am trying to turn those blessings back into praise!

Plus Dexter will be in my mail box later today! YES!

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