pregnancy calendar

Monday, June 22, 2009

This month so far...

Well, I've started work at Susanville Real Estate and Lucy gets to go with me. She's a good girl, but some days we just have to stay home because she's too "active." She's been pushing teeth for a few months now, but nothing's shown up. I'm hoping that this phase is over soon--I want my old baby back. :)
We've tried one church in town and really liked it--the Susanville Community Church. It's an EV Free and their preacher was really great. We'll go again this Sunday and try out the nursery for Lucy.
After church one Sunday, we thought we'd let Lucy show off her mad crawling skills... or, attempting to crawl skills:
I have a video but for some reason it won't up load. You'll just have to see it in person.
She tries really hard but so far just doesn't have the upper body strength to hoist her body up from the belly-lay position.Out of all the toys Lucy has, her favorites are her toes, paper and the remote.She's getting to be such a big girl! She's rolling over all over the place and can even hold her own bottle. I don't know why we didn't think of it sooner, but she LOVES to listen and watch daddy play guitar. She stayed occupied for 20 minutes while I made dinner! Fabulous.
We just returned from another trip to Paradise where we celebrated Adam's first Father's Day. He took the annual camping trip with "the guys" and followed in suit by getting injured. He sliced his hand open between his thumb and index finger and needed 7 stitches. AND on top of it, he got food poisoning. It's been an interesting few days....

1 comment:

Aunt LeeLee said...

Sounds like you have lots to take care of! A teething baby, a new puppy, and a hurt AND sick husby! eek!