pregnancy calendar

Thursday, September 9, 2010

No bottle...

Ok, so here's a kicking the bottle update.
My bribery with the baby? Yeah, didn't work.
Baby's cries were stronger than mommy's will...
Anywho... we got a new puppy and the puppy ate the last nipple I had for Lucy's orthodontic bottle.
I thought, perfect, this is a sign to quit cold turkey.
Nope, once again, mommy was weak and pulled out the nursing bottles hidden up in the closet.
Last night, for whatever reason, when it was time for bed, Lucy gave her daddy her good-night kisses, grabbed her sippy cup and headed to her room. She never asked for a bottle! So I saw this as a good sign, put her to bed with her cup, and I didn't hear a peep all night!
Tonight is night two of this bed-time ritual! I am as pleased as pie. Is that an appropriate idiom?
So now I suppose the plan is to send her to bed with a sippy cup with milk for a while and then phase to water. We'll phase out the cup all together closer to potty training when wetting at night will actually be an issue.
Yay for me! Yay for Lucy!!

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